cacarear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cacarear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (intransitive)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb cacarear primarily refers to the sound made by hens or chickens, notably the clucking or cackling noises they produce. In colloquial usage, it can also refer to a person talking incessantly, often implying that the content is trivial or light-hearted. The frequency of use leans more towards oral speech, especially in conversational contexts, rather than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Los gallos no cacarean como las gallinas; ellos cantan en la mañana.
  2. The roosters do not cluck like hens; they sing in the morning.

  3. No dejes que tu amiga cacaree tanto sobre su nueva ropa; a veces es mejor escuchar.

  4. Don't let your friend cluck so much about her new clothes; sometimes it's better to listen.

  5. En el campo, se puede escuchar a las gallinas cacarear todo el día.

  6. In the countryside, you can hear the hens clucking all day long.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although cacarear does not have widespread idiomatic expressions directly using the word, it often appears in conversational phrases that describe trivial or excessive talking:

  1. Cacarear como gallina
  2. Se la pasa cacareando como gallina en vez de tomar decisiones serias.
  3. She spends her time clucking like a hen instead of making serious decisions.

  4. Cacarear sin parar

  5. No puedo concentrarme con él cacareando sin parar sobre sus problemas.
  6. I can't concentrate with him clucking non-stop about his problems.

  7. Cacarear todo el día

  8. Ella se sienta a cacarear todo el día sin hacer nada productivo.
  9. She sits clucking all day without doing anything productive.


The word cacarear comes from the onomatopoeic origin in Spanish, imitating the sound made by hens or chickens. The root comes from the word "cacar," which is used to depict similar sounds in animal communication.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Charlar (to chat) - Parloteo (to chatter)

Antonyms: - Callar (to be silent) - Silenciar (to silence)
