cachondo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cachondo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cachondo" in Spanish is primarily used to describe someone who is sexually excited or aroused. Additionally, it can also refer to someone who is playful, joking, or amusing. The term is commonly used in informal, colloquial contexts. Its frequency of use can vary by region, but it tends to be more prevalent in oral speech than in formal written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Él está muy cachondo hoy.
    He is very horny today.

  2. Siempre es cachondo cuando habla con sus amigos.
    He is always amusing when he talks to his friends.

  3. No seas cachondo, esto es un tema serio.
    Don't be playful, this is a serious topic.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cachondo" is often incorporated into idiomatic expressions, reflecting a playful or humorous attitude. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar cachondo como una gata.
    To be as horny as a cat.
    (This expression is used to describe someone who is very sexually aroused.)

  2. Tener un humor cachondo.
    To have a playful humor.
    (Describes someone who is funny or makes jokes often.)

  3. Es un cachondo mental.
    He is a mental joker.
    (Refers to someone who frequently makes jokes and is funny.)

  4. No te pongas cachondo por tonterías.
    Don’t get all worked up over silly things.
    (Used to advise someone not to take a joke or light-hearted moment too seriously.)

  5. Ayer, en la fiesta, fue un día muy cachondo.
    Yesterday, at the party, it was a very amusing day.
    (Referring to a day filled with fun and jokes.)


The word "cachondo" comes from the colloquial term, possibly derived from the verb "cachar," which means to catch or to realize. Its meaning has evolved to incorporate connotations surrounding sexual excitement and humor.

Synonyms and Antonyms
