cafetera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cafetera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cafetera" is a feminine noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cafetera" refers to a device used to brew coffee. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. As a general term, it is widely recognized in households and cafes across Spanish-speaking countries. The frequency of use is high, especially in conversations related to coffee culture, cooking, and domestic settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta preparar café en mi cafetera nueva.
    I love making coffee in my new coffee maker.

  2. ¿Sabes dónde está la cafetera? La necesito para la reunión.
    Do you know where the coffee pot is? I need it for the meeting.

  3. La cafetería siempre tiene la mejor cafeteras.
    The coffee shop always has the best coffee machines.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cafetera" is not commonly used in established idiomatic expressions per se, but it can be included in phrases that emphasize coffee culture or daily life scenarios related to coffee.

Example Sentences with Related Context

  1. Con la cafetera siempre lista, el desayuno nunca falla.
    With the coffee maker always ready, breakfast never fails.

  2. Mi día no comienza hasta que encienda la cafetera.
    My day doesn't start until I turn on the coffee maker.

  3. Siempre hay una buena conversación cuando la cafetera está en la mesa.
    There’s always a good conversation when the coffee pot is on the table.

  4. Cada mañana, la cafetera es mi mejor aliada.
    Every morning, the coffee maker is my best ally.

  5. El aroma del café recién hecho llena la casa, gracias a la cafetera.
    The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the house, thanks to the coffee pot.


The word "cafetera" is derived from the Spanish word "café," which means coffee, combined with the suffix "-tera," indicating a device or container related to that noun. The term reflects the object’s function as a vessel for brewing and serving coffee.



While "cafetera" is specific to coffee-making devices, its antonyms are not direct. However, in a broader sense: - Taza (cup) – as it relates to the vessel for drinking coffee rather than making it. - Tetera (teapot) – refers to a pot for brewing tea, contrasting with coffee brewing.

In summary, "cafetera" plays an essential role in daily life and social interactions, particularly in cultures where coffee is a significant part of routine and hospitality.
