caja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "caja" primarily refers to a container, in the form of a box or chest, used for storing items. It can also denote a cash register in retail contexts. It is frequently used in both oral and written forms but often appears in everyday conversations and commerce-related contexts. The frequency of use is relatively high due to its versatility in various contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La caja está llena de juguetes.
    The box is full of toys.

  2. Necesitamos llevar la caja a la tienda para devolverla.
    We need to take the cash register to the store to return it.

  3. Ella guardó sus documentos importantes en una caja.
    She kept her important documents in a chest.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "caja" is frequently used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Salir de la caja
    To think outside the box.
  2. La empresa necesita salir de la caja para innovar.
    The company needs to think outside the box to innovate.

  3. Caja de sorpresas
    Box of surprises.

  4. La vida es una caja de sorpresas.
    Life is a box of surprises.

  5. Estar en la caja
    To be in trouble.

  6. Si no entregas el informe a tiempo, estarás en la caja.
    If you don’t submit the report on time, you’ll be in trouble.

  7. Caja negra
    Black box (often used in the context of aviation or data analysis).

  8. Los datos de la caja negra nos ayudarán a entender el accidente.
    The data from the black box will help us understand the accident.

  9. No hay caja chica
    There is no small cash fund.

  10. La empresa decidió que no hay caja chica para gastos imprevistos.
    The company decided that there is no small cash fund for unexpected expenses.


The word "caja" comes from the Latin "capitia," which is a diminutive form of "caput," meaning "head" or "top." Over the centuries, it evolved to refer to a container or box used for storage.



In summary, "caja" is a highly versatile word in Spanish, used in various contexts with multiple meanings, from a literal storage box to expressions and idioms that convey broader concepts.
