calculadora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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calculadora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "calculadora" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "calculadora" refers to a device used to perform mathematical calculations. It can be a basic calculator or a scientific one, and the term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts. The word "calculadora" is commonly used in educational settings, businesses, and everyday life.

Frequency of Use

The term is frequently used, especially in schools and among individuals who regularly perform mathematical operations. It is more common in written contexts, such as textbooks, technical manuals, and instructions, although it is also prevalent in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La calculadora está en la mesa.
    The calculator is on the table.

  2. Necesito una calculadora para resolver este problema de matemáticas.
    I need a calculator to solve this math problem.

  3. La calculadora científica puede realizar cálculos complejos.
    The scientific calculator can perform complex calculations.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "calculadora" is not prominently featured in idiomatic expressions. However, it can be associated with various sayings or phrases in relation to calculations or judgments in a figurative sense. Below are examples of sentences that abstract the use of calculations in general contexts:

  1. Siempre deberías tener una calculadora a la mano para evitar errores.
    You should always have a calculator handy to avoid mistakes.

  2. En la vida, a veces es mejor usar la calculadora del corazón en lugar de la lógica.
    In life, sometimes it's better to use the calculator of the heart instead of logic.

  3. La calculadora es útil, pero la experiencia a menudo da resultados mejores.
    The calculator is useful, but experience often yields better results.


The word "calculadora" derives from the Latin word "calculare," which means "to calculate." The suffix “-dora” is used to form nouns indicating an agent, so "calculadora" can be interpreted as "the device that calculates."

Synonyms and Antonyms


