calificado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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calificado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Calificado" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "calificado" refers to someone or something that has received a certain level of competence, qualification, or accreditation. It is often used to describe individuals who have met specific standards or criteria in a particular field, such as education or professional expertise. The term can also refer to attributes that have been evaluated or assessed according to specific standards.

In the Spanish language, "calificado" is used both in oral speech and written contexts, though it is more prevalent in written form, particularly in formal and academic environments such as reports, evaluations, and legal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El candidato fue calificado como el mejor para el puesto.
  2. The candidate was rated as the best for the position.

  3. Los estudiantes calificados recibirán becas para continuar sus estudios.

  4. The qualified students will receive scholarships to continue their studies.

  5. Este producto ha sido calificado como de alta calidad por varios expertos.

  6. This product has been certified as high quality by several experts.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "calificado" is often used in various expressions and contexts that emphasize qualification, assessment, or standards. Here are some idiomatic uses:

  1. Persona calificada - Se dice cuando alguien tiene la formación adecuada para un empleo.
  2. Qualified person - It is said when someone has the appropriate training for a job.

  3. Ejemplo: Solo los ingenieros calificados pueden aplicar a este proyecto.

    • Only qualified engineers can apply for this project.
  4. Calificado para el cargo - Usado para indicar que alguien es apto para una posición.

  5. Qualified for the position - Used to indicate that someone is fit for a role.

  6. Ejemplo: Creemos que él está calificado para el cargo de director.

    • We believe he is qualified for the position of director.
  7. Calificación de excelencia - Se utiliza para referirse a una evaluación sobresaliente.

  8. Rating of excellence - It is used to refer to an outstanding assessment.

  9. Ejemplo: El restaurante recibió una calificación de excelencia por sus servicios.

    • The restaurant received a rating of excellence for its services.
  10. Evaluación calificada - Se refiere a una valoración formal de desempeño.

  11. Qualified evaluation - It refers to a formal assessment of performance.

  12. Ejemplo: La evaluación calificada de los empleados se realizará anualmente.

    • The qualified evaluation of employees will be conducted annually.
  13. Calificado moralmente - Frase que se utiliza para describir la cualidad ética de una persona.

  14. Morally qualified - A phrase used to describe the ethical quality of a person.

  15. Ejemplo: Se necesita un líder calificado moralmente para este proyecto.

    • A morally qualified leader is needed for this project.


The term "calificado" derives from the verb "calificar," which comes from the Latin "qualificare," where "qualis" means "of what kind" and "facere" means "to make." Thus, it conveys the idea of making an assessment or determining the kind or quality of something or someone.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Acreditado (Accredited) - Capacitado (Capable) - Certificado (Certified) - Aptitud (Fit)

Antonyms: - Incompetente (Incompetent) - Incalificado (Unqualified) - Desacreditado (Discredited) - Inepto (Inept)
