cambiar de chaqueta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cambiar de chaqueta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Example Sentences

  1. Sentence: "No puedo confiar en él, siempre está cambiando de chaqueta."
  2. Translation: "I can't trust him, he is always switching sides."

  3. Sentence: "Los políticos suelen cambiar de chaqueta dependiendo de la opinión pública."

  4. Translation: "Politicians often change their loyalties depending on public opinion."

  5. Sentence: "Es frustrante ver a alguien que constantemente cambia de chaqueta."

  6. Translation: "It is frustrating to see someone who constantly changes sides."

Idiomatic Expressions

The expression "cambiar de chaqueta" is part of common idiomatic phrases in Spanish. Here are several examples that incorporate the expression and explore its usage:

  1. Sentence: "Durante la elección, muchos votantes decidieron cambiar de chaqueta."
  2. Translation: "During the election, many voters decided to switch sides."

  3. Sentence: "Es un típico caso de cambiar de chaqueta cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles."

  4. Translation: "It's a typical case of changing sides when things get tough."

  5. Sentence: "No estoy de acuerdo con cambiar de chaqueta solo para quedar bien."

  6. Translation: "I don't agree with switching sides just to be liked."

  7. Sentence: "Hay que tener cuidado con aquellos que cambian de chaqueta con frecuencia."

  8. Translation: "One must be careful with those who frequently switch sides."

  9. Sentence: "Cambiar de chaqueta por interés propio nunca es honorable."

  10. Translation: "Switching sides for self-interest is never honorable."


The phrase "cambiar de chaqueta" literally translates to "to change the jacket." The jacket, in this context, symbolizes one's outer appearance or persona. The idiom's origins relate to the idea of changing one’s allegiances or cover, much like changing clothing, reflecting a shift in loyalty or stance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This idiom captures the transient nature of loyalties in various contexts and its frequent use highlights the importance of trust and integrity in relationships, both personal and political.
