cambista - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cambista (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Money changer
  2. Currency dealer

Meaning and Usage

The word "cambista" refers to a person who specializes in the exchange of currency. In Argentina and many other countries, cambistas are often found in exchange houses or informal markets, where they facilitate the buying and selling of foreign currencies, particularly in contexts where there may be significant fluctuations in currency value. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in areas related to finance, economics, and travel.

Frequency of Use

The term "cambista" is frequently used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing financial transactions, travel plans, or simply the practicality of currency exchange. It is relatively common in urban areas where international tourism and business take place.

Example Sentences

  1. El cambista me ofreció una mejor tasa de cambio que el banco.
    (The money changer offered me a better exchange rate than the bank.)

  2. Es recomendable siempre consultar a un cambista antes de viajar al exterior.
    (It is advisable to always consult a currency dealer before traveling abroad.)

  3. Los cambistas son vitales en la economía local durante las temporadas altas de turismo.
    (Currency dealers are vital in the local economy during peak tourist seasons.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cambista" itself may not appear frequently in idiomatic expressions, it is associated with discussions around economics and transactions. Here are a few expressions related to the context of currency exchange:

  1. "El cambista hace magia con las divisas."
    (The money changer works magic with currencies.)
  2. This implies that cambistas can achieve great results or favorable exchange rates.

  3. "A veces, es mejor ser cambista que cliente."
    (Sometimes, it's better to be a currency dealer than a customer.)

  4. This suggests that having the knowledge to exchange currency can be more advantageous than just seeking out the best rates.

  5. "El cambista tiene ojo para las fluctuaciones del mercado."
    (The money changer has an eye for market fluctuations.)

  6. This indicates that a good cambista can predict currency trends more accurately.

  7. "No hay mejor cambista que quien conoce el mercado desde adentro."
    (There's no better currency dealer than one who knows the market from the inside.)

  8. This means that experience and insider knowledge are invaluable in currency trading.


The word "cambista" is derived from the Spanish verb "cambiar," which means "to exchange" or "to change." The root of "cambiar" can be traced back to the Latin "cambiare," which also means "to exchange." The suffix "-ista" is commonly used to denote a person associated with a specific occupation or activity.

Synonyms and Antonyms


