camerino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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camerino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "camerino" primarily refers to a dressing room, typically for actors or performers, where they change clothes and prepare for performances. It can also imply a space where artists gather before going on stage or for rehearsals. The term is commonly used in the performing arts, such as theater, film, and music.

In terms of frequency of use, "camerino" is more commonly found in spoken contexts, especially among professionals in the arts but is also used in written contexts, such as scripts and articles about performances.

Example Sentences

  1. Los actores se preparan en el camerino antes del espectáculo.
    (The actors get ready in the dressing room before the show.)

  2. El camerino está decorado con fotos de las grandes obras que se han presentado.
    (The dressing room is decorated with photos of the great plays that have been presented.)

  3. Ella siempre se siente nerviosa en el camerino antes de salir a cantar.
    (She always feels nervous in the dressing room before going out to sing.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "camerino" isn’t typically featured in many idiomatic expressions, it may appear in phrases or contexts that highlight its significance in the performing arts. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Darse a conocer en el camerino"
    (To make oneself known in the dressing room.)
    This expression may imply the idea of networking and making connections in the arts.

  2. "Las luces del camerino"
    (The lights of the dressing room.)
    This can metaphorically refer to the pressure and excitement that comes with performance.

  3. "Esperar en el camerino"
    (To wait in the dressing room.)
    This phrase can denote anticipation or the build-up before an important event or performance.

  4. "El camerino es el backstage del talento"
    (The dressing room is the backstage of talent.)
    This expression highlights the behind-the-scenes work and preparation that goes into a performance.


The word "camerino" originates from the Latin term "camera", which means "room" or "vaulted chamber." The evolution of the term reflects its use in denoting a private space for artists.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Vestuario (wardrobe) - Sala de ensayo (rehearsal room)

Antonyms: - Escenario (stage) - Público (audience)

This categorization helps provide context in which "camerino" is situated, as they relate to spaces often connected to performances but serve different functions.
