camote - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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camote (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "camote" primarily refers to the sweet potato, a starchy root vegetable widely consumed in various forms across Latin America. In some regions, especially in the Caribbean, the term can also refer to yams. The frequency of use for "camote" varies by country, but it is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in culinary discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los camotes son un alimento muy nutritivo en la dieta de las familias.
    (Sweet potatoes are a very nutritious food in the diets of families.)

  2. En El Salvador, el camote se prepara a menudo en dulces.
    (In El Salvador, sweet potatoes are often prepared in sweets.)

  3. Me gusta comer camote asado con un poco de mantequilla.
    (I like to eat roasted sweet potatoes with a bit of butter.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "camote" may not be as frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it does appear in some contexts where it symbolizes home cooking or traditional foods. Here are a few related expressions:

  1. Estar como un camote.
    (To be like a sweet potato.)
    This expression is used to denote someone who is content and relaxed.
  2. Después de un buen almuerzo, estaba como un camote.
    (After a good lunch, I was like a sweet potato.)

  3. Vender camotes.
    (To sell sweet potatoes.)
    This can imply selling something that is not highly esteemed or of lesser value.

  4. No quiero andar vendiendo camotes, quiero algo mejor para mi futuro.
    (I don’t want to be selling sweet potatoes; I want something better for my future.)

  5. Puro camote.
    (Pure sweet potato.)
    This expression can refer to something that is overly simple or trivial.

  6. Esa película fue puro camote, no valió la pena.
    (That movie was pure sweet potato; it wasn’t worth it.)


The word "camote" comes from the Nahuatl word "camotl," which means sweet potato. As Mexico is one of the regions where the sweet potato is native and widely cultivated, the term has spread throughout Latin America, taking on local meanings and culinary significance.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "camote" is a culturally significant food item in the Spanish-speaking world, with varied uses and interpretations across different regions, showcasing its versatility in culinary traditions.
