campana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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campana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "campana" primarily means "bell," a hollow metal object that produces a sound when struck. It can also refer to a campaign when used in a political or social context (e.g., advertising campaigns, political campaigns).

In the context of the Spanish language, "campana" is frequently used when discussing church bells or bells used in schools and events. Its frequency of use tends to be moderate and appears in both oral and written contexts, though it's more common in written texts related to music, architecture, and ecclesiastical matters.

Example Sentences

  1. La campana de la iglesia sonó al mediodía.
    The church bell rang at noon.

  2. La escuela tiene una campana que avisa el inicio de las clases.
    The school has a bell that signals the start of classes.

  3. Durante la campaña electoral, se dieron varios discursos importantes.
    During the electoral campaign, several important speeches were given.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "campana" may not be as widely featured in idiomatic expressions, it does have a few common phrases that are used within specific contexts.

  1. Dar la campana
    To ring the bell (to succeed or to achieve something significant).
  2. Example: Con su último libro, realmente dio la campana en el mundo editorial.
    With his last book, he really rang the bell in the publishing world.

  3. Campana de Gauss
    Gaussian bell (referring to the bell-shaped curve in statistics).

  4. Example: La campana de Gauss es esencial para entender la distribución normal.
    The Gaussian bell is essential for understanding the normal distribution.

  5. Bajar la campana
    Lower the bell (to give up or end something).

  6. Example: Después de tantas discusiones, decidimos bajar la campana y aceptar el acuerdo.
    After so many discussions, we decided to lower the bell and accept the agreement.


The word "campana" comes from the vulgar Latin term campāna, derived from the Late Latin campāna which means "bell" or "from Campania," a region in Italy known for its numerous bells. Its roots can be traced further back to the Latin word campana, relating to "campus," meaning "field" or "open space," linking the usage of bells in open areas.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cloche (when referring to a type of bell) - Timbre (in musical contexts referring to the quality of sound)

Antonyms: - Silencio (silence) - Mutismo (muteness)

In summary, "campana" is a versatile word in the Spanish language, used in various contexts, primarily denoting "bell" and extending to concepts like "campaign." Its usage and significance can vary, showcasing the richness of the Spanish lexicon.
