campera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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campera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Context of Use

The word "campera" refers to a type of outerwear garment commonly used in Argentina to provide warmth and protection from the elements. In Argentinian Spanish, "campera" can imply a lighter jacket, often made from materials such as denim, fleece, or synthetic fabrics, as opposed to heavier coats.

The frequency of use is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, particularly in everyday conversation when discussing clothing, weather conditions, or fashion.

Example Sentences

  1. La campera que compré me mantiene muy abrigado.
    (The jacket I bought keeps me very warm.)

  2. En invierno, es esencial tener una buena campera.
    (In winter, it is essential to have a good jacket.)

  3. Ella llevó su campera nueva a la fiesta.
    (She wore her new jacket to the party.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "campera" itself is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it is frequently associated with phrases related to style, comfort, and weather. Here are some expressions that incorporate the concept of a jacket or warmth:

  1. "Echarse una campera"
    (To throw on a jacket)
  2. Antes de salir, siempre me echo una campera por si hace frío.
    (Before going out, I always throw on a jacket in case it gets cold.)

  3. "Campera de lluvia"
    (Rain jacket)

  4. No olvides llevar tu campera de lluvia, parece que va a llover.
    (Don't forget to take your rain jacket; it looks like it's going to rain.)

  5. "Campera de cuero"
    (Leather jacket)

  6. El rockero siempre lleva su campera de cuero en los conciertos.
    (The rocker always wears his leather jacket at the concerts.)


The word "campera" is derived from the Spanish word "campo," which means "field," and its use has evolved to describe garments that were originally designed for outdoor activities or casual wear. The term has been adapted in various dialects of Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Chaqueta - Abrigo (though "abrigo" typically refers to a heavier coat)

Antonyms: - Desnudez (nakedness) - Descubierto (uncovered)
