capareo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

capareo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Usage in Spanish

The word "capareo" is used in Spanish, primarily in the context of bullfighting, specifically referring to the initial stage of a bullfight where the bull is assessed and tested by the picadors.

It is not a word commonly used in everyday language. It is more likely to be found in written accounts of bullfights or discussions related to bullfighting.

Example Sentences

  1. El torero inició el capareo para estudiar los movimientos del toro. (The bullfighter started the capareo to study the bull's movements.)
  2. Durante el capareo, los picadores observan la reacción del toro. (During the capareo, the picadors observe the bull's reaction.)
  3. El capareo es fundamental para planificar la estrategia de la lidia. (The capareo is fundamental to plan the fight's strategy.)

Idiomatic Expressions with "capareo"

In bullfighting terminology, "capareo" is a key element with specific expressions:

  1. Hacer el capote: To show off or boast.
  2. Juan siempre está haciendo el capote con sus logros académicos. (Juan is always boasting about his academic achievements.)

  3. Bailar el capote: To dodge a difficult situation or responsibility.

  4. No puedes bailar el capote para evitar esta conversación importante. (You can't dodge this important conversation.)

  5. Estar en capilla: To be anxiously waiting for something to happen.

  6. Estoy en capilla esperando los resultados del examen. (I'm anxiously waiting for the exam results.)

  7. Tomar el capote: To take the lead or responsibility in a situation.

  8. Decidió tomar el capote y liderar el proyecto. (He decided to take the lead and manage the project.)


"Capareo" comes from the verb "capear," which refers to the act of performing the passes of a bullfight with the cape.

Synonyms and Antonyms