capas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "capas" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word "capas" refers to layers or levels of material, substance, or organization. In economics, it can convey the idea of different layers of economic activity, markets, or segmentation of industries. It is used in both written and oral contexts, frequently appearing in discussions regarding market structures and resource allocation.

Frequency of Use

"Capas" is commonly used in academic and professional settings, as well as in daily conversations when discussing various types of stratification.

Example Sentences

  1. Las capas del mercado son cruciales para entender la competencia.
  2. The layers of the market are crucial for understanding competition.

  3. En la industria textil, se utilizan varias capas de materiales para mejorar la calidad.

  4. In the textile industry, several layers of materials are used to enhance quality.

  5. Los analistas revisan las capas de datos para obtener una perspectiva más amplia.

  6. Analysts review the layers of data to obtain a broader perspective.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "capas" may not be a central word in idiomatic expressions, it does feature in phrases that denote differentiation or stratification.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Darse cuenta de las capas de la realidad puede ser un desafío."
  2. "Realizing the layers of reality can be a challenge."

  3. "Debemos analizar las capas de la economía antes de tomar decisiones."

  4. "We must analyze the layers of the economy before making decisions."

  5. "Las capas de la burocracia a menudo complican el proceso."

  6. "The layers of bureaucracy often complicate the process."

  7. "En la educación, existen muchas capas que afectan el rendimiento de los estudiantes."

  8. "In education, there are many layers that affect student performance."

  9. "Despejar las capas de confusión es esencial para encontrar la verdad."

  10. "Clearing the layers of confusion is essential to finding the truth."


The word "capas" comes from the Latin “cappa,” which originally referred to a cape or a covering. The term evolved to refer to various forms of layers or coverings in different contexts, including economic.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "capas" plays a significant role in economic discourse, among other areas, making it a versatile term with various applications in both conversation and literature.
