capaz - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capaz (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

The word "capaz" is predominantly used to describe someone or something that has the ability, power, or skills to do a specific task or to achieve something. It can also imply competence or effectiveness in certain circumstances. In everyday usage, "capaz" can be employed in both written and oral contexts, but it is particularly common in conversational Spanish. Its frequency can vary depending on the region and context, but it is a widely understood term across Spanish-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

  1. Es una persona muy capaz en su trabajo.
  2. She is a very capable person in her work.

  3. Creo que soy capaz de resolver este problema.

  4. I believe I am able to solve this problem.

  5. Si ella es capaz, entonces podemos confiar en ella.

  6. If she is capable, then we can trust her.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Capaz" is used in some idiomatic expressions, emphasizing potential or ability in various contexts. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. No soy capaz de entenderlo.
  2. I am not capable of understanding it.

  3. Es capaz de cualquier cosa.

  4. He is capable of anything.

  5. Capaz que lo logre.

  6. Maybe he will succeed.

  7. Capaz y no me cree.

  8. Maybe he doesn’t believe me.

  9. Siempre he sido capaz de enfrentar mis miedos.

  10. I have always been capable of facing my fears.

  11. Si crees que eres capaz, lo lograrás.

  12. If you think you are capable, you will achieve it.


The word "capaz" originates from the Latin root "capax," which means "able to hold" or "capable." The Latin term is derived from "capere," which means "to take" or "to seize," reflecting the idea of ability or capacity.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Competente (Competent) - Hábil (Skilled) - Capacitador (Empowered)

Antonyms: - Incapaz (Incapable) - Inepto (Inept) - Incompetente (Incompetent)

This provides a comprehensive view of the word "capaz," highlighting its various aspects in the Spanish language.
