capear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Capear" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "capear" generally refers to the act of managing or navigating through a difficult situation, particularly in a nautical context where it means to handle a boat safely through rough waters. The word can also refer to evading or protecting oneself from a situation.

The frequency of use for "capear" is moderate and it's commonly used more in oral speech rather than in formal written contexts. The term is often used in everyday conversation among individuals discussing challenges or difficulties – for example, one might "capear" a situation at work or in life.

Example Sentences

  1. "Tuve que capear la tormenta para llegar a puerto."
  2. "I had to navigate through the storm to reach the port."

  3. "No es fácil capear los problemas familiares, pero hay que intentarlo."

  4. "It's not easy to face family problems, but one has to try."

  5. "Durante el examen, tuve que capear el estrés que sentía."

  6. "During the exam, I had to cope with the stress I felt."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Capear" is notably present in several idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. "Capear el temporal"
  2. Meaning: To weather the storm.
  3. Example: "A veces, es mejor capear el temporal y esperar a que pase."
  4. "Sometimes, it’s better to weather the storm and wait for it to pass."

  5. "Capear la crisis"

  6. Meaning: To manage through the crisis.
  7. Example: "La empresa tuvo que capear la crisis económica con medidas drásticas."
  8. "The company had to manage through the economic crisis with drastic measures."

  9. "Capear la vida"

  10. Meaning: To make it through life’s challenges.
  11. Example: "Con optimismo podemos capear la vida sin problemas mayores."
  12. "With optimism, we can make it through life without major problems."

  13. "Capear la situación"

  14. Meaning: To handle the situation.
  15. Example: "Ella sabe cómo capear la situación de manera efectiva."
  16. "She knows how to handle the situation effectively."

  17. "Capear un mal momento"

  18. Meaning: To get through a tough time.
  19. Example: "Es importante tener amigos que te ayuden a capear un mal momento."
  20. "It’s important to have friends who help you get through a tough time."


The verb "capear" stems from the Spanish noun "capa," which means "cape" or "cloak." This connection implies a sense of protection or covering, referring to how one might cloak themselves from challenges or difficult circumstances, particularly in connection with maritime navigation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview captures the various facets of the word "capear," showcasing its meanings, uses, idiomatic expressions, and related linguistic features.
