caperuza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caperuza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Caperuza is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/kapeˈɾuθa/ (in Spain) or /kapeˈusa/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

The word "caperuza" can be translated into English as: - Hood - Cap - Bonnet

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "caperuza" refers to a hood or head covering, often with a connotation of clothing that has a pointed or traditional style. It is commonly used in contexts related to fashion, folklore, and ceremonial attire. The usage of "caperuza" is moderately frequent, with a higher prevalence in written contexts, such as literature or descriptive texts, than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La niña llevaba una caperuza roja que la hacía parecerse a Caperucita Roja.
  2. The girl wore a red hood that made her look like Little Red Riding Hood.

  3. El monje usaba una caperuza que le cubría la cabeza y parte del rostro.

  4. The monk wore a hood that covered his head and part of his face.

  5. En algunas tradiciones, la caperuza es un símbolo de estatus.

  6. In some traditions, the hood is a symbol of status.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "caperuza" itself is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, it can contribute to phrases involving hoods or coverage. Here are some related examples:

  1. Caperuza de la ignorancia - "Hood of ignorance"
  2. Es hora de quitarse la caperuza de la ignorancia y aprender sobre el mundo.
  3. It is time to remove the hood of ignorance and learn about the world.

  4. Bajo la caperuza - "Under the hood"

  5. Muchas verdades se esconden bajo la caperuza de la apariencia.
  6. Many truths are hidden under the hood of appearances.

  7. Caperuza de luto - “Hood of mourning”

  8. Ella se cubría con una caperuza de luto en señal de respeto.
  9. She covered herself with a mourning hood as a sign of respect.


The word "caperuza" comes from the Latin "cappa," meaning "cape" or "hood." The diminutive suffix "-uza" suggests a smaller or more affectionate version of "capa." Over time, the term has found uses in various dialects of Spanish, particularly in relation to traditional clothing and folklore.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Capa (cape) - Capucha (hood) - Bonete (cap)

Antonyms: - Descapado (bare-headed) - Desprovisto (devoid of cover)

In summary, "caperuza" has specific cultural and functional meanings within the Spanish language, often evoking imagery of traditional attire or ceremonial elements. Its usage might be less frequent in casual conversation but prevalent in literary or descriptive contexts.
