capirote - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capirote (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Capirote" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Hood
  2. Cone-shaped hood (especially in a religious context, like those used in Holy Week processions in Spain)
  3. Cap (in certain contexts)

Meaning and Usage

"Capirote" refers to a conical hood, commonly associated with the processions of Holy Week, particularly in Spanish Holy Week celebrations. They are worn by penitents during religious ceremonies. The frequency of use is more common in written contexts, especially in literature and articles discussing religious customs and traditions in Spain.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante la Semana Santa, muchos penitentes llevan un capirote en las procesiones.
  2. During Holy Week, many penitents wear a hood in the processions.

  3. El capirote simboliza el arrepentimiento y el anonimato del penitente.

  4. The hood symbolizes repentance and the anonymity of the penitent.

  5. El capirote tradicional es de color blanco, pero también pueden ser de otros colores.

  6. The traditional hood is white, but they can also be of other colors.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "capirote" does not have many idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, it can be part of broader phrases referring to somber or penitential contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Llevar el capirote encima es signo de humildad en la fe."
  2. "Wearing the hood signifies humility in faith."

  3. "Todos en la ciudad conocen la tradición del capirote durante la Semana Santa."

  4. "Everyone in the city knows the tradition of the hood during Holy Week."

  5. "El capirote se ha convertido en un símbolo de la cultura española."

  6. "The hood has become a symbol of Spanish culture."


The word "capirote" comes from the Latin "cāpio," which means "to take" or "to seize." It evolved to denote the protective nature of the hood, which serves to envelop and cover the wearer.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Capucha (hood) - Cofias (caps, although less common in context)

Antonyms - Descapotado (uncovered or bare)

This structure and analysis of the term "capirote" provides a comprehensive view of its usage, meaning, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
