capital accionario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capital accionario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

[kapi'tal akθjoˈnaɾjo]

Translation options into English


Capital accionario refers to the total amount of capital contributed by the shareholders of a company. It represents the ownership stake in the company, divided into shares that each shareholder holds. This term is mainly used in financial contexts in Argentina. It is more commonly found in written documents than in oral speech due to its technical nature.

Example sentences

  1. La empresa aumentó su capital accionario para financiar la expansión internacional.
    Translation: The company increased its stock capital to finance international expansion.
  2. Los accionistas están preocupados por la disminución del capital accionario.
    Translation: Shareholders are worried about the decrease in stock capital.

Idiomatic expressions

In Spanish, the term "capital accionario" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, there are other idiomatic expressions related to finances and capital that are widely used. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Darle vuelta al capital"
    Translation: To turn over the capital
  2. Meaning: To reinvest profits back into a business.
  3. Example: Después de la venta, decidió darle vuelta al capital en un nuevo emprendimiento.
    Translation: After the sale, he decided to reinvest the profits in a new venture.

  4. "Capital de riesgo"
    Translation: Venture capital

  5. Meaning: Investment in businesses that have high risk but also the potential for significant profits.
  6. Example: La empresa de tecnología consiguió capital de riesgo para impulsar su crecimiento.
    Translation: The technology company secured venture capital to boost its growth.


Synonyms and Antonyms