capitales - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capitales (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Capitales" is a noun in the plural form.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "capitales" can refer to:

  1. Capital cities: The primary city of a country or region where the government is located.
  2. Capital letters: The larger letters used at the beginning of sentences or as proper nouns.

The frequency of use for "capitales" as capital cities is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, especially in educational settings, geographical discussions, and when addressing political or cultural contexts. The usage might be slightly more common in written contexts, such as articles or textbooks, but remains prevalent in conversational Spanish as well.

Example Sentences

  1. Las capitales de los países latinoamericanos son muy diversas.
    The capitals of Latin American countries are very diverse.

  2. En la clase de español, aprendimos sobre las capitales de Europa.
    In Spanish class, we learned about the capitals of Europe.

  3. Las capitales suelen ser más grandes que otras ciudades.
    The capitals are usually larger than other cities.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "capitales" is less commonly featured in idiomatic expressions compared to other words. However, here are some phrases that incorporate "capital" or relate to capitals in a more idiomatic context:


  1. Nueva York es considerada la capital del mundo por su influencia cultural.
    New York is considered the capital of the world due to its cultural influence.

  2. Para muchos, París es la capital del amor.
    For many, Paris is the capital of love.

  3. Algunos dicen que la tecnología convierte a San Francisco en la capital del futuro.
    Some say that technology makes San Francisco the capital of the future.


The word "capitales" derives from the Latin word "capitale," which means "principal" or "head." This roots back to "caput," meaning "head," which reflects the idea of a principal city (the head of a political division) or the head or top of something (like a capital letter).

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "capitales" provides insight into its usage, meaning, and context within the Spanish language.
