capitalizar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capitalizar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Capitalizar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/kapi.taliˈθaɾ/ (Spain) or /kapi.taliˈzaɾ/ (Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Capitalizar in Spanish typically refers to the act of converting something into capital or financial investment. In a broader context, it can mean to take advantage of or to capitalize on opportunities, both in economics and in other contexts.

In the economic and legal domains, the term is frequently used to denote the process of transforming assets or resources into capital or profits. It's common in both oral and written forms, but it may appear more often in written texts, such as academic articles, legal documents, or business communications.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante capitalizar las ganancias en el primer trimestre.
  2. It is important to capitalize on profits in the first quarter.

  3. La empresa decidió capitalizar sus activos para expandirse.

  4. The company decided to capitalize its assets to expand.

  5. Necesitamos capitalizar esta oportunidad antes de que desaparezca.

  6. We need to capitalize on this opportunity before it disappears.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "capitalizar" itself is not predominantly featured in many idiomatic expressions, its usage can lead to various phrases in context, particularly regarding finance and opportunity:

  1. Capitalizar la experiencia
  2. Spanish: Es vital capitalizar la experiencia adquirida para mejorar nuestras habilidades.
  3. English: It is vital to capitalize on the experience gained to improve our skills.

  4. No capitalizar la oportunidad

  5. Spanish: Si no capitalizas la oportunidad ahora, podrías arrepentirte más tarde.
  6. English: If you do not capitalize on the opportunity now, you might regret it later.

  7. Capitalizar en nuevas tendencias

  8. Spanish: La empresa busca capitalizar en nuevas tendencias del mercado.
  9. English: The company aims to capitalize on new market trends.


The term capitalizar derives from the Latin "capitalis," meaning "of the head” or "chief, principal," which is related to "caput," meaning "head." It evolved through the influence of both Latin and later Romance languages, where forms similar to "capitalizar" appeared in French as "capitaliser" and Italian as "capitalizzare."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Rentabilizar (to make profitable) - Aprovechar (to take advantage of)

Antonyms: - Descapitalizar (to decapitalize) - Perdido (lost)

This comprehensive breakdown provides a detailed overview of the term capitalizar, its significance in economics and law, and its broader usage in the Spanish language.
