caporal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caporal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "caporal" primarily refers to a low military rank equivalent to corporal in English. It is often used in the context of military discussions, particularly in Latin American countries. Besides its military usage, "caporal" can also refer to a foreman or a leader of a group of workers, especially in agricultural or labor contexts. The term is relatively common and can be found in both oral and written forms, though it may lean more towards formal uses, such as in military contexts and official documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El caporal dirigió a su escuadra durante el ejercicio militar.
    (The corporal led his squad during the military drill.)

  2. El caporal de la finca organizó a los trabajadores para la cosecha.
    (The foreman of the farm organized the workers for the harvest.)

  3. El caporal tuvo que imponer disciplina entre sus hombres.
    (The corporal had to enforce discipline among his men.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Caporal" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions by itself. However, in military and labor contexts, it may appear in phrases that highlight leadership or authority.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. El caporal es quien lleva la batuta en el equipo de trabajo.
    (The corporal is the one who takes the lead in the work team.)

  2. Sin un buen caporal, la tarea sería un desastre.
    (Without a good foreman, the task would be a disaster.)

  3. El caporal es el que pone el pecho a las balas en el campo de batalla.
    (The corporal is the one who stands up to the bullets on the battlefield.)

  4. Con un caporal capaz, el grupo puede superar cualquier obstáculo.
    (With a capable foreman, the group can overcome any obstacle.)


The term "caporal" originates from the Italian word "caporale," which itself comes from "capo" meaning "head" or "chief." This reflects the idea of leadership and authority, which is central to the meaning of the word.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Corporal - Foreman - Supervisor - Jefe (boss, chief - in labor contexts)

Antonyms: - Soldado (soldier - in military contexts) - Trabajador (worker - in labor contexts, as it implies a lower rank)

This comprehensive overview of "caporal" highlights its military significance, variations in labor contexts, and etymological roots, making it a term with versatile applications in the Spanish language.
