capot - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capot (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Capot" is a masculine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "capot" primarily refers to the hood of a vehicle, particularly in the context of cars. It can also denote a cover or cap for various objects. The term "capot" is more prevalent in written contexts when discussing automotive topics. Its usage in everyday speech is moderate, with speakers often opting for more specific terms depending on the context.

Example Sentences

  1. El capot del coche se abrió durante el accidente.
    The hood of the car opened during the accident.

  2. Revisé el motor levantando el capot.
    I checked the engine by lifting the hood.

  3. El capot del caballo estaba decorado.
    The cap/cap of the horse was decorated.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "capot" is not commonly used within established idiomatic expressions, it can often appear in specific contexts related to vehicles. Nevertheless, "capot" holds a place in expressions related to covering or shielding something.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar a cubierto bajo el capot.
    To be sheltered under the hood.
    (Meaning: To be protected or safe from harm.)

  2. Cubrir el capot en invierno ayuda a mantener el calor del motor.
    Covering the hood in winter helps to retain the engine's heat.
    (Meaning: Taking precautions protects vital functions.)

  3. No puedes ver el daño debajo del capot si no lo abres.
    You can't see the damage under the hood if you don't open it.
    (Meaning: You need to investigate to understand a situation fully.)


The term "capot" comes from the French word "capot," which also refers to the hood of a vehicle. It is derived from "cape," referring to a covering or cloak, emphasizing the notion of something that covers or protects.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This overview covers the essential aspects of the word "capot." If you need more detailed exploration or examples, feel free to ask!
