capota - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capota (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

  1. Hood (of a car)
  2. Cape (in some contexts)
  3. Canopy (in specific contexts)

Meaning and Usage

The term "capota" primarily refers to a hood, particularly in the context of automobiles. It describes the covering that closes off the engine compartment, providing protection and aesthetic appeal. The word may also refer to a cape or a type of covering in different contexts.

In terms of frequency of use, "capota" is more frequently encountered in written contexts, particularly in automotive literature or conversations related to vehicles. It is less commonly used in everyday spoken Spanish unless the conversation revolves around cars.

Example Sentences

  1. La capota de mi coche está desgastada y necesita ser reemplazada.
  2. The hood of my car is worn out and needs to be replaced.

  3. Asegúrate de que la capota esté bien cerrada antes de salir a la carretera.

  4. Make sure that the hood is properly closed before heading out on the road.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "capota" might not be highly prominent in idiomatic expressions, its use can still appear in specific phrases related to automobiles or protection.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Si no cierras bien la capota, podrías tener problemas en la próxima lluvia.
  2. If you don’t close the hood properly, you might have problems in the next rain.

  3. El coche se ve mucho mejor desde que le pusieron una nueva capota.

  4. The car looks much better since they put a new hood on it.


The word "capota" originates from the Spanish language, with roots traced back to Latin "capŭta," meaning "head." It evolved to denote various types of coverings and is used in several contexts where protection is needed.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Techo (roof – in certain contexts) - Cobertura (covering)

Antonyms: - Desnudez (nudity – in contexts referring to uncovered) - Exposición (exposure)

This structured overview provides comprehensive information on "capota," emphasizing its meanings, uses, and related expressions within the Spanish language.
