capote - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capote (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "capote" refers to a type of outer garment that is typically loose-fitting and can be used for warmth or protection against the elements. In various Spanish-speaking countries, the term may have specific connotations including military or traditional context.

It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although it might appear more frequently in literature or historical discussions regarding clothing styles or military attire.

Example Sentences

  1. El capote que llevaba durante la tormenta me mantuvo seco.
    The cape I wore during the storm kept me dry.

  2. Los soldados llevaban un capote para protegerse del frío.
    The soldiers wore a cloak to protect themselves from the cold.

  3. En la fiesta, todos admiraban mi antiguo capote de piel.
    At the party, everyone admired my old fur cape.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Capote" is also part of several idiomatic expressions, particularly in contexts referring to clothing or situations involving protection or coverage.

  1. Tener un capote para las críticas.
    To have a cloak against criticism.
    This expression suggests being able to shield oneself from negative feedback.

  2. No todo lo que brilla es un capote.
    Not everything that shines is a cloak.
    This means that appearances can be deceiving; something may look good but may not be as positive upon closer inspection.

  3. Bajo el capote de la amistad, se esconden verdades.
    Under the cloak of friendship, truths are hidden.
    This saying implies that friendships may mask underlying issues or deeper truths.

  4. El capote de la tradición cubre muchas costumbres olvidadas.
    The cloak of tradition covers many forgotten customs.
    This means that cultural traditions can sometimes hide or obscure the reality of changing practices.


The word "capote" has its roots in the Latin term "caput," which means "head." The evolution into "capote" likely resulted from the garment's association with covering or enveloping the body. The word has been used in various languages, often retaining similar meanings related to cloaks or capes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "capote" is a multifaceted term that encompasses various meanings and uses across different cultures in the Spanish language, making it an interesting subject in both linguistic and cultural discussions.
