caprichoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caprichoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word caprichoso refers to someone or something that behaves unpredictably or whimsically, often based on personal whims or desires rather than reason or logic. It can describe a person's behavior, a situation, or objects that change frequently without any apparent reason. In its use, the term can imply a playful or fanciful quality, but it can also connote a lack of seriousness or reliability. Caprichoso is used in both oral and written contexts with a moderate frequency.

Example Sentences

  1. El clima es muy caprichoso en esta región.
    "The weather is very capricious in this region."

  2. Su comportamiento caprichoso hace que sea difícil trabajar con él.
    "His capricious behavior makes it hard to work with him."

  3. A veces, los niños son caprichosos cuando no obtienen lo que quieren.
    "Sometimes, children are capricious when they do not get what they want."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term caprichoso is frequently used in Spanish idiomatic expressions, illustrating the concept of whimsy or unpredictability.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Vive en un mundo caprichoso."
    "He/she lives in a whimsical world."

  2. "No seas caprichoso, ¡decídete ya!"
    "Don't be fickle, make up your mind already!"

  3. "La artista tiene una creatividad caprichosa que sorprende a todos."
    "The artist has a capricious creativity that surprises everyone."

  4. "Su caprichoso deseo de viajar lo llevó a lugares inesperados."
    "His capricious desire to travel took him to unexpected places."

  5. "El caprichoso destino quiso que nos encontramos de nuevo."
    "Capricious fate wanted us to meet again."


The word caprichoso comes from the Spanish term capricho, meaning "whim" or "fancy," which can be traced back to the Italian word capriccio, a term associated with sudden changes in mood or behavior. The roots of the word relate to the notions of whimsy and unpredictable behavior.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Voluble - Cambiante (changeable) - Inconstante (inconstant)

Antonyms: - Estable (stable) - Predecible (predictable) - Serio (serious)
