captador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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captador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Captador is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, captador generally refers to a person or device that captures, collects, or acquires something. In various contexts, it can refer to collectors in a general sense (like air or water), marketing professionals who gather leads, or any mechanism that absorbs or gathers data. The term is fairly versatile within both general and technical languages.

Frequency of Use:
The word captador is reasonably common in both spoken and written Spanish, especially in contexts involving technology, environmental science, and marketing.

Example Sentences

  1. El captador de energía solar es esencial para la sostenibilidad.
    The solar energy collector is essential for sustainability.

  2. El captador de clientes se encargó de entregar información sobre el nuevo producto.
    The lead catcher was responsible for providing information about the new product.

  3. La empresa instaló un captador de datos para mejorar su análisis de mercado.
    The company installed a data collector to improve their market analysis.

Idiomatic Expressions

While captador itself doesn't prominently feature in idiomatic expressions, its root ("captar") is often part of phrases that convey the idea of understanding or absorbing. Here are some examples:

  1. Captar la atención - To capture attention
    El diseño del cartel logró captar la atención de todos los transeúntes.
    The design of the poster managed to capture the attention of all the passersby.

  2. Captar ideas - To capture ideas
    Al final de la reunión, logramos captar varias ideas útiles para el proyecto.
    At the end of the meeting, we managed to capture several useful ideas for the project.

  3. No captar el mensaje - Not to catch the message
    A veces, las personas pueden no captar el mensaje que intentamos transmitir.
    Sometimes, people may not catch the message we are trying to convey.

  4. Captar la esencia - To capture the essence
    El fotógrafo logró captar la esencia del momento con su cámara.
    The photographer managed to capture the essence of the moment with his camera.


The word captador comes from the verb captar, which is derived from the Latin capitare, which means "to seize or take." The suffix -dor denotes a doer or agent, thus making captador someone or something that captures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Recopilador (recorder) - Coleccionista (collector) - Adquirente (acquirer)

Antonyms: - Perdedora (loser) - Dispersador (disperser) - Descartador (discarder)
