capturar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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capturar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "capturar" generally means to apprehend or seize someone or something. It can refer to physical capturing, such as in the military context when capturing enemy soldiers or resources, or in a broader sense like capturing a moment in photography or a specific idea in a discussion.

"Capturar" is a versatile verb used in both written and spoken contexts, though it can be more prevalent in formal and written discourse, particularly in legal or military contexts. Its frequency of use varies based on the context, but it is a commonly understood term across Spanish-speaking regions.

Example Sentences

  1. "La policía logró capturar al ladrón después de una larga persecución."
  2. "The police managed to capture the thief after a long chase."

  3. "Es importante capturar los momentos especiales en la vida."

  4. "It is important to capture special moments in life."

  5. "El ejército tuvo que capturar la fortaleza enemiga para asegurar la victoria."

  6. "The army had to capture the enemy fortress to secure victory."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "capturar" may not be frequently used in set idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various phrases that convey ideas of seizing opportunities or important moments.

  1. "Capturar la atención de alguien."
  2. "To capture someone's attention."
  3. Es fundamental capturar la atención de los estudiantes desde el principio de la clase.
  4. "It's essential to capture the students' attention from the beginning of the class."

  5. "Capturar el momento."

  6. "To capture the moment."
  7. El fotógrafo sabe cómo capturar el momento perfecto en cada evento.
  8. "The photographer knows how to capture the perfect moment at every event."

  9. "Capturar la esencia."

  10. "To capture the essence."
  11. El artista intenta capturar la esencia de la ciudad en su pintura.
  12. "The artist tries to capture the essence of the city in his painting."


The term "capturar" derives from the Latin "capturare," which means to seize or take. The prefix "cap-" is linked to the concept of taking or holding, as seen in other related words such as "captare" (to take) and "captivus" (captive).

Synonyms and Antonyms
