capucha - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

capucha (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

"Capucha" is a noun in Spanish that means "hood." It is commonly used both in oral speech and written context, making it a frequent word in daily conversations and written texts.

Example sentences

  1. Me puse la capucha porque empezó a llover.
    (I put on the hood because it started raining.)

  2. El ladrón se cubrió la cabeza con la capucha.
    (The thief covered his head with the hood.)

Idiomatic expressions

1. Levantar la liebre - El detective levantó la liebre sobre el caso del robo.
(The detective uncovered the truth about the robbery.)

2. Estar con la capucha puesta - Juan parece estar con la capucha puesta, no ha dicho ni una palabra.
(Juan seems to be keeping quiet, he hasn't said a word.)


The word "capucha" comes from the Latin "cappa" which means "cape" or "cloak."
