cara a cara - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cara a cara (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"cara a cara" is a phrase (adverbial expression).

Phonetic Transcription

/káɾa a káɾa/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"cara a cara" refers to interactions or meetings that occur in person, as opposed to virtual or indirect communications. It implies a direct confrontation or conversation where participants are physically present. In the Spanish language, it is often used in contexts such as negotiations, discussions, confrontations, or any situation requiring personal interaction.

In terms of frequency of use, "cara a cara" is common in both oral and written contexts, particularly in formal discussions, interviews, and casual conversations when emphasizing the importance of direct interaction.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos hablar cara a cara para resolver este problema. We need to talk face to face to solve this problem.

  2. La entrevista se realizará cara a cara en la oficina del director. The interview will take place in person in the director's office.

  3. Prefiero discutir los asuntos cara a cara en lugar de por teléfono. I prefer to discuss issues directly instead of over the phone.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "cara a cara" is frequently incorporated into various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are a few examples:

  1. Ponerse cara a cara con la verdad
    To face the truth directly.
  2. La situación es complicada, así que debemos ponernos cara a cara con la verdad.
    (The situation is complicated, so we must face the truth directly.)

  3. Hablar cara a cara es más efectivo
    Talking face to face is more effective.

  4. Para resolver malentendidos, hablar cara a cara es más efectivo.
    (To resolve misunderstandings, talking face to face is more effective.)

  5. El cara a cara es esencial en las negociaciones
    Face to face interaction is essential in negotiations.

  6. Durante las negociaciones, el cara a cara es esencial para construir confianza.
    (During negotiations, face to face interaction is essential to build trust.)

  7. La mejor manera de resolver conflictos es cara a cara
    The best way to resolve conflicts is face to face.

  8. En nuestra cultura, la mejor manera de resolver conflictos es cara a cara.
    (In our culture, the best way to resolve conflicts is face to face.)


The phrase "cara a cara" is derived from the Spanish word "cara," meaning "face," combined with "a," which translates to "to" or "at," and repeating "cara" to emphasize the interaction occurring between two individuals. The repetition underscores the notion of direct confrontation or conversation.

Synonyms and Antonyms


