carabina - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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carabina (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Carabina" refers to a type of firearm that is lighter and has a shorter barrel compared to a standard rifle. Carabines are commonly used in various military and sporting contexts. In colloquial usage, it may refer to firearms in a more informal or simplified manner, particularly in regions where firearms are prevalent in discussions about security or hunting.

The term is used with moderate frequency in both spoken and written contexts, though its frequency may vary depending on the region and the specific historical or military discussions. In military contexts, it may have a more specialized use.

Example Sentences

  1. La policía confiscó varias carabinas de los contrabandistas.
    The police confiscated several carbines from the smugglers.

  2. En la competencia de tiro, cada participante debe usar una carabina específica.
    In the shooting competition, each participant must use a specific carbine.

  3. La carabina es una de las armas más utilizadas en la caza.
    The carbine is one of the most used weapons in hunting.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "carabina" is often part of specific expressions and discussions, especially in military or colloquial slang regarding firearms. Here are a few idiomatic expressions that incorporate the word:

  1. Carabina de avancarga
    Black powder carbine
  2. Los cazadores usan una carabina de avancarga para obtener una mayor precisión a larga distancia.
    Hunters use a black powder carbine for greater precision at long distances.

  3. Aguantar una carabina
    To face a difficult situation (to endure a challenge)

  4. Tienes que aprender a aguantar una carabina si quieres sobrevivir en este barrio.
    You have to learn to face difficult situations if you want to survive in this neighborhood.

  5. Carabina de aire
    Air rifle

  6. La carabina de aire es ideal para practicar la puntería sin causar daños.
    The air rifle is ideal for practicing aim without causing damage.

  7. Estar como carabina en un tiroteo
    To be in a tough situation without much power or control

  8. Me siento como carabina en un tiroteo en mi nuevo trabajo.
    I feel like I'm in a tough situation with no power in my new job.


The term "carabina" originates from the Spanish word "carabina", which itself is derived from the Italian "carabina". The Italian term originally denoted a type of light firearm carried by cavalry soldiers. The root words trace back through Romance languages influenced by military terminology.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "carabina" is a versatile term within Spanish vocabulary, primarily used in military and colloquial contexts, reflecting its significance in discussions about firearms and related practices.
