caramelo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caramelo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Caramelo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Caramelo refers to a type of confectionery made by boiling sugar and other ingredients, often enjoyed as a sweet treat. In a broader context, it can also refer to caramel, which is a sweet flavor often used in desserts and candies. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish, often associated with children's treats, desserts, or sweets in general. Its frequency of use is relatively high, especially in conversations around food and desserts.

Example Sentences

  1. Los niños siempre piden caramelos en la tienda.
    The children always ask for candy at the store.

  2. Me encanta el caramelo de café en mis postres.
    I love coffee caramel in my desserts.

  3. Ella trajo un caramelo para compartir con sus amigos.
    She brought a candy to share with her friends.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word caramelo is used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are some examples:

  1. Eres más dulce que un caramelo.
    You are sweeter than a candy.
    (Used to compliment someone on their kindness or sweetness.)

  2. El caramelo en la boca.
    The candy in the mouth.
    (Referring to something delightful or enjoyable that one wants to savor.)

  3. Es un caramelo que no se puede desperdiciar.
    It’s a candy that can't be wasted.
    (Referring to an opportunity or moment that is too valuable to miss.)

  4. La vida es un caramelo, disfrútala.
    Life is a candy, enjoy it.
    (Encouraging someone to embrace and enjoy life to the fullest.)

  5. No todo es dulce como un caramelo.
    Not everything is sweet like a candy.
    (A reminder that life has its challenges and isn’t always pleasant.)


The word caramelo comes from the Spanish word caramelo, which has its roots in the Latin word cāramĕlum, which refers to sugar. The word evolved over time to its current form as it entered various languages, retaining the basic meaning related to sweetness and confectionery.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Dulce (sweet) - Golosina (treat) - Bocado (bite/sweet)

Antonyms: - Amargo (bitter) - Salado (salty) - Soso (bland)

Overall, caramelo is a pleasant and widely used term in Spanish-speaking cultures that conveys the joy of sweets and the enjoyment of life’s little delights.
