carca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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carca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Reactionary
  2. Old-fashioned
  3. Outdated

Meaning and Usage

The word "carca" is primarily used in the context of describing someone who is reactionary, conservative, or out of touch with modern ideas and developments. It typically conveys a negative connotation, suggesting that a person is clinging to old-fashioned values and resist progressive changes.

In terms of usage frequency, "carca" is more commonly encountered in oral speech, particularly in informal contexts, and often appears in discussions related to politics, social issues, or cultural debates.

Example Sentences

  1. Ese profesor es muy carca y no acepta nuevas ideas en el aula. That teacher is very outdated and does not accept new ideas in the classroom.

  2. La política del partido está llena de líderes carcas que no se adaptan a los tiempos modernos. The party's politics are full of reactionary leaders who do not adapt to modern times.

  3. No quiero ser carca, pero creo que algunas tradiciones son valiosas. I don't want to be old-fashioned, but I think some traditions are valuable.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "carca" itself is not a central element in numerous idiomatic expressions, it can be found in phrases that comment on attitudes or behaviors associated with being out of touch or conservative.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Pensar como un carca"
  2. Translation: "To think like a reactionary."
  3. La propuesta de la nueva ley me parece pensar como un carca, es necesario adaptarse a los cambios sociales.
    The new law proposal seems to think like a reactionary; it is necessary to adapt to social changes.

  4. "Ser un carca de mente cerrada"

  5. Translation: "To be an outdated closed-minded person."
  6. No puedo discutir con ella, es un carca de mente cerrada y no acepta otras opiniones.
    I can't argue with her; she is an outdated closed-minded person and does not accept other opinions.

  7. "Comportarse de manera carca"

  8. Translation: "To behave in an old-fashioned way."
  9. Su manera de tratar a las mujeres es muy carca y no refleja los tiempos actuales.
    His way of treating women is very old-fashioned and does not reflect current times.


The term "carca" is derived from the Spanish word "carcaj," which referred to a quiver (a container for arrows) in older forms of the language. Over time, it evolved to describe individuals who are burdened by obsolete ideas, much like someone weighed down by old equipment.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Conservador (Conservative) - Rancio (Stale)

Antonyms: - Progresista (Progressive) - Moderno (Modern)

By understanding the nuances associated with "carca," speakers of Spanish can effectively navigate conversations about societal values and generational differences.
