carcaj - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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carcaj (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Carcaj" refers to a container or case used specifically for holding arrows, typically worn on the back or at the hip. In Spanish, it can indicate various types of quivers depending on the context, such as those used for archery in hunting or sports. The word is used mostly in written contexts, especially in literature, historical descriptions, or discussions about archery and related sports.

Example Sentences

  1. El arquero colocó las flechas en su carcaj antes de comenzar la competencia.
  2. The archer placed the arrows in his quiver before starting the competition.

  3. El carcaj de cuero se utilizaba en la antigüedad para transportar flechas.

  4. The leather quiver was used in ancient times to carry arrows.

  5. Durante la caza, es importante tener un carcaj bien organizado para acceder rápidamente a las flechas.

  6. During hunting, it is important to have a well-organized quiver for quick access to the arrows.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "carcaj" itself does not appear frequently in idiomatic expressions, but it plays a role in phrases related to archery or metaphorically in situations of preparation or readiness. Here are related expressions reflecting its thematic context:

  1. "Ir con el carcaj lleno"
  2. Literal: To go with a full quiver.
  3. Figurative: To be well-prepared for a task.
  4. Example: "Siempre me gusta ir con el carcaj lleno a las reuniones para tener respuestas listas."

    • "I always like to go with a full quiver to meetings so that I have answers ready."
  5. "Dejar el carcaj en casa"

  6. Literal: To leave the quiver at home.
  7. Figurative: To be unprepared or ill-equipped.
  8. Example: "No puedes dejar el carcaj en casa si planeas participar en la competencia."

    • "You can't leave the quiver at home if you plan to participate in the competition."
  9. "Carcaj del guerrero"

  10. Literal: Warrior's quiver.
  11. Figurative: Symbolizing strength and preparation for challenges.
  12. Example: "Cada vez que enfrenta dificultades, recuerda que siempre tiene el carcaj del guerrero a su lado."
    • "Every time he faces difficulties, he remembers that he always has the warrior's quiver by his side."


"Carcaj" comes from the Arabic word "قَرْقَش" (qarqash), which also means a case for arrows. The term has been incorporated into the Spanish language, particularly in contexts related to hunting and archery.

Synonyms and Antonyms
