carcasa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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carcasa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Carcasa is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "carcasa" in International Phonetic Alphabet is /kaɾˈkasa/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, carcasa refers to the outer casing or shell of an object, typically used in technical or polytechnical contexts to describe the protective and supporting structure that contains the functional components of a device. It's frequently used in areas such as electronics, machinery, and other engineering fields.

Frequency of Use: It is commonly used both in oral speech and written contexts, especially in technical documentation, manuals, and discussions related to technology or manufacturing.

Example Sentences

  1. La carcasa del teléfono protege los componentes internos.
    The casing of the phone protects the internal components.

  2. La computadora necesita una nueva carcasa porque la antigua está dañada.
    The computer needs a new housing because the old one is damaged.

  3. El ingeniero diseñó una carcasa que mejora la eficiencia del dispositivo.
    The engineer designed a casing that improves the efficiency of the device.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "carcasa" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases related to technology or structures that describe broader concepts. Here are a few examples related to "carcasa":

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. La idea de que todo tiene su propia carcasa es un recordatorio de que lo externo importa tanto como lo interno.
    The idea that everything has its own casing is a reminder that the external matters as much as the internal.

  2. Aunque la carcasa parece simple, su diseño es muy eficaz.
    Although the casing seems simple, its design is very effective.

  3. Siempre debemos considerar la carcasa antes de evaluar el contenido.
    We must always consider the casing before evaluating the content.


The word carcasa comes from the Latin word "carcassa," which means the body or shell of an object. It reflects the concept of an outer covering designed to protect and contain whatever lies inside.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Capa (layer) - Envoltorio (wrapping) - Contenedor (container)

Antonyms: - Exposición (exposure) - Descubrimiento (discovery) - Desnudación (uncovering)

In summary, the term "carcasa" is integral in various fields, particularly where protection and functionality are key traits of a product or design. It serves not only as a practical term but also illustrates a fundamental concept in engineering and technology.
