"Carlinga" is a term used in the Spanish language to refer to the cockpit of an aircraft or the cabin of a boat. It is a technical term commonly used in the fields of aeronautics and nautical. The word is more commonly used in written contexts, especially in technical manuals and documents related to aviation and maritime operations.
El piloto ingresó a la carlinga y comenzó las verificaciones pre-vuelo. (The pilot entered the cockpit and started the pre-flight checks.)
El capitán permaneció en la carlinga durante toda la travesía marítima. (The captain stayed in the cabin during the entire sea journey.)
Idiomatic expressions
"Carlinga" is not part of any specific idiomatic expressions in Spanish.
The word "carlinga" comes from the Italian "carlinga," which means the same thing - the cockpit of an aircraft or the cabin of a boat.