carrillera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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carrillera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Carrillera is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "carrillera" can be translated into English as: - Cheekbone - Side of the face

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "carrillera" refers to the area of the cheek, specifically the region around the cheekbone. It might also be used in specific contexts relating to physical description or discussing facial structure.

This term is not frequently used in everyday conversation but may appear more often in descriptive contexts, such as in beauty, art, health, or anatomy. It is somewhat more common in written contexts, particularly in literature or medical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La carrillera de Ana es muy marcada, lo que le da un aire elegante.
    Ana's cheekbone is very pronounced, which gives her an elegant look.

  2. Los maquilladores suelen resaltar la carrillera para definir el rostro.
    Makeup artists often highlight the cheekbone to define the face.

  3. La cirugía plástica puede alterar la forma de la carrillera.
    Plastic surgery can alter the shape of the cheekbone.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "carrillera" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it may be used metaphorically in certain contexts, particularly in beauty or health discussions.

  1. Tener la carrillera hundida puede ser signo de deshidratación.
    (Having sunken cheekbones can be a sign of dehydration.)

  2. La carrillera es un rasgo que muchos desearían tener para un rostro más esculpido.
    (The cheekbone is a feature that many would desire for a more sculpted face.)


The word "carrillera" is derived from the Spanish word "carra," which means "cheek." The diminutive suffix "-illa" is added, conveying the notion of "small cheek" or referring to the specific shape/form associated with it.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mejilla (cheek) - Though it primarily refers to the fleshy part of the cheek rather than the bone structure.

Antonyms: - There are no direct antonyms for "carrillera," as it specifically denotes an anatomical feature rather than a conceptual idea.
