General: - In a general context, "cartera" refers to a type of container used to carry personal items such as money, credit cards, and identification. - It can also denote a collection of investments held by an individual or organization.
Economics/Commerce: - In the financial world, "cartera" often denotes a portfolio of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and other assets.
Law: - In legal contexts, "cartera" could refer to a list of clients or cases maintained by a lawyer or law firm.
¿Dónde pusiste la cartera?
(Where did you put the wallet?)
La cartera de inversiones ha dado buenos rendimientos este año.
(The investment portfolio has performed well this year.)
Confía en mí, en mi cartera están los mejores abogados.
(Trust me, the best lawyers are in my client list.)
Con él, tus inversiones estarán siempre en buenas manos.
(With him, your investments will always be in good hands.)
Tener los huevos en la misma cesta: Literally "to have all the eggs in the same basket," it means to have all of one's resources or interests invested in a single venture.
Es arriesgado tener todos tus ahorros en la misma cesta.
(It's risky to have all your savings in the same basket.)
Costar un ojo de la cara: Literally "to cost an eye from the face," it means something is extremely expensive.
The word "cartera" comes from the Latin "charta," meaning "letter" or "paper." Over time, it evolved to refer to a container for papers or documents, eventually extending its meaning to include personal belongings like wallets or handbags.
Synonyms: - Bolso (Bag) - Monedero (Coin purse) - Portafolio (Portfolio)
Antonyms: - Vacío (Empty) - Desocupado (Unoccupied) - Descarterizado (Unwalleted)