cartucho - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cartucho (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

"Cartucho" primarily refers to a cartridge, which is a container holding a quantity of something such as ammunition, ink, or any other consumable product. It is commonly used in both general contexts (like a printer cartridge) and technical contexts (such as ammunition cartridges in military usage).

In everyday conversation, "cartucho" is frequently used when discussing firearms or printing equipment. The term is prevalent in both spoken and written Spanish, though you may find it more frequently in technical writing or conversation around specific subjects like firearms or printing due to its context-specific nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Cartucho de tinta, ¿cuándo necesitas reemplazarlo?
  2. Ink cartridge, when do you need to replace it?

  3. El cartucho de munición se insertó en la pistola.

  4. The ammunition cartridge was inserted into the gun.

  5. Compré un nuevo cartucho para impresora.

  6. I bought a new cartridge for the printer.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cartucho" is not a particularly common term in idiomatic expressions, it does occasionally appear in metaphorical or figurative usage, often related to ammunition or capacity.

  1. Quedarse sin cartuchos.
  2. To run out of cartridges.
  3. Esta estrategia no funcionará si nos quedamos sin cartuchos.

    • This strategy won't work if we run out of cartridges.
  4. No tengo más cartuchos en la recámara.

  5. I have no more cartridges in the chamber.
  6. Cuando se trata de argumentos, ya no tengo más cartuchos en la recámara.

    • When it comes to arguments, I have no more cartridges in the chamber.
  7. Cargar los cartuchos.

  8. To load the cartridges.
  9. Es hora de cargar los cartuchos antes de la próxima ronda de discusión.
    • It's time to load the cartridges before the next round of discussion.


The word "cartucho" comes from the French term "cartouche," which initially referred to a "little roll" or a "scroll." The term evolved and was adopted into Spanish to describe various types of cartridges used in military and printing contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This structured approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the word "cartucho" in various domains, encompassing its usage, meanings, and relevant expressions.
