casa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: - IPA: /ˈkasa/ - English phonetic: KAH-sah

Meanings and Usage: "Casa" means "house" in English. It is a very common word in the Spanish language, used both in oral and written contexts. It can refer to a specific residence, a building, or the concept of a home. This word is highly frequent in everyday conversations and written texts.

Verb forms: - Even though "casa" is a noun and not a verb, the verb "casar" means "to marry." - Present tense: yo caso, tú casas, él/ella casa, nosotros/nosotras casamos, vosotros/vosotras casáis, ellos/ellas casan - Past tense: yo casé, tú casaste, él/ella casó, nosotros/nosotras casamos, vosotros/vosotras casasteis, ellos/ellas casaron - Future tense: yo casaré, tú casarás, él/ella casará, nosotros/nosotras casaremos, vosotros/vosotras casaréis, ellos/ellas casarán - Gerund form: casando

Examples: - Me gusta mi casa. (I like my house.) - Vamos a la casa de María. (We are going to Mary's house.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Casa" is a common element in many Spanish idiomatic expressions. Some examples include: 1. "No está la casa para barrer" (literally: "the house is not ready to be swept") - This expression means that now is not the appropriate time to bring up a certain topic. 2. "Hacer de la casa un templo" (literally: "to make the house a temple") - This phrase is used to express the idea of keeping the home as a tranquil and sacred space. 3. "Estar en casa de uno" (literally: "to be at someone's house") - This expression means to be in a comfortable or familiar environment.

Etymology: The word "casa" comes from the Latin word "casa," which referred to a small hut or humble dwelling.

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: vivienda (dwelling), hogar (home), residencia (residence) - Antonyms: calle (street), edificio (building), apartamento (apartment)