caseta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caseta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "caseta" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "caseta" refers to a small structure or enclosure, often used for various purposes such as storage, a ticket booth, a shelter, or even a small house. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more in written texts when referencing architectural elements, specific types of structures, or in formal speech.

Example Sentences

  1. La caseta en el jardín sirve para guardar herramientas.
    The shed in the garden is used to store tools.

  2. Compré un billete en la caseta de venta de entradas.
    I bought a ticket at the ticket booth.

  3. La caseta de la playa tiene sombra y bancos.
    The beach cabin has shade and benches.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "caseta" itself is not typically found in many idiomatic expressions, it is included in phrases related to specific contexts, particularly in construction, events, or locations. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ir de caseta (literally "to go to the booth") — refers to the action of going to a designated area at an event or fair.
  2. Vamos a ir de caseta en la feria esta noche.
    We are going to go to the booth at the fair tonight.

  3. Hacer caseta (literally "to make a booth") — can refer to building a structure for specific uses (context-dependent).

  4. Necesitamos hacer caseta para la venta de artículos en el festival.
    We need to make a booth for selling items at the festival.

  5. Estar en la caseta (literally "to be in the booth") — can mean being in a designated space, often referring to involvement in an event or task.

  6. Estaré en la caseta de información durante toda la tarde.
    I will be at the information booth all afternoon.


The word "caseta" is derived from the Spanish "casa," meaning "house," with the diminutive suffix "-eta," which conveys a sense of smallness. This structure points to its meaning of a smaller or simpler version of a house.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview addresses the meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms of "caseta," providing a clear understanding of its significance within the Spanish language.
