casilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Casilla" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "casilla" generally refers to a small box or compartment. This term can be used in various contexts, such as a mailbox (for receiving letters) or a small compartment in a game or a formal context like a voting box (casilla electoral). It is moderately frequent in both oral and written contexts but is more prevalent in written forms when referring to formal structures like mail systems or election processes.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gustaría enviar una carta a mi abuela, así que voy a ponerla en la casilla.
    I would like to send a letter to my grandmother, so I will put it in the mailbox.

  2. En la reunión, se asignó una casilla para cada uno de los proyectos.
    In the meeting, one box was assigned to each of the projects.

  3. No olvides verificar la casilla de tu correo todos los días.
    Don’t forget to check your mailbox every day.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "casilla" is less frequently used in specific idiomatic expressions; however, it can be used in phrases related to formal or procedural contexts.

  1. "Casilla de verificación"
  2. Siempre asegúrate de marcar la casilla de verificación antes de enviar el formulario.
    Always make sure to check the checkbox before submitting the form.

  3. "Casilla electoral"
    Ballot box

  4. El domingo es el día de la votación, así que no olvides ir a la casilla electoral.
    Sunday is voting day, so don’t forget to go to the ballot box.

  5. "Casilla de correo"
    Mail Slot

  6. La carta llegó a la casilla de correo equivocada.
    The letter arrived at the wrong mail slot.


The term "casilla" comes from the Latin word "capsella," which means "little box," derived from "capsa," meaning "box" or "case." The diminutive suffix "-illa" in Spanish gives it the meaning of a smaller box or compartment.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caja (box) - Compartimento (compartment) - Recipiente (container)

Antonyms: - Espacio abierto (open space) - Vacío (emptiness)
- Libre (free)

This comprehensive overview offers insights into the usage, meanings, etymology, and expressions related to "casilla," underscoring its relevance in the Spanish language and culture.
