caso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "caso" is commonly used in the Spanish language to refer to a specific situation, occurrence, or instance. It can denote a legal case, a particular scenario in discussions, or even be used in everyday conversation to address an event or happening.

In terms of frequency of use, "caso" is quite common, both in oral and written forms. It tends to appear with high frequency in legal contexts, but it is also prevalent in journalism, daily conversations, and various forms of discourse where example scenarios are discussed.

Example Sentences

  1. "El caso del sospechoso está siendo investigado por la policía."
  2. "The case of the suspect is being investigated by the police."

  3. "En este caso, es mejor consultar a un experto."

  4. "In this instance, it is better to consult an expert."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "caso" frequently appears in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples, showcasing its versatility in language:

  1. "A caso hecho"
  2. Translation: "In case it happens."
  3. Usage: "Siempre llevo un paraguas, a caso hecho que llueva."
  4. Translation: "I always carry an umbrella, in case it rains."

  5. "No hay caso"

  6. Translation: "There is no case."
  7. Usage: "No hay caso en discutir, no cambiarás de opinión."
  8. Translation: "There is no point in discussing, you won’t change your mind."

  9. "Como si fuera un caso"

  10. Translation: "As if it were a case."
  11. Usage: "Ella lo trató como si fuera un caso perdido."
  12. Translation: "She treated him as if he were a lost cause."

  13. "Es un caso único"

  14. Translation: "It is a unique case."
  15. Usage: "Su capacidad de resolver problemas es un caso único."
  16. Translation: "Her ability to solve problems is a unique case."

  17. "En otro caso"

  18. Translation: "In another case."
  19. Usage: "En otro caso, podría haber sido un asunto diferente."
  20. Translation: "In another case, it could have been a different matter."


The term "caso" originates from the Latin word "casus," meaning "fall" or "event," which also carried the connotation of an occurrence or chance event. Over the centuries, "caso" evolved in the Spanish language to encompass various meanings related to situations, occurrences, and legal matters.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview captures the multifaceted usage, idiomatic expressions, and contextual significance of the word "caso" in the Spanish language.
