casona - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casona (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "casona" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kaˈsona/.

Translation Options into English

The most common translations for "casona" in English are: - big house - mansion - large house

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "casona" typically refers to a large, old-style house, often with historical significance. It implies grandeur and spaciousness and may evoke images of family estates or traditional residences. While it can be used in both oral and written contexts, it is often encountered in literary works, historical descriptions, or real estate listings, suggesting a slightly higher frequency of use in written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. La casona del centro histórico fue restaurada para abrir un museo.
  2. (The big house in the historic center was restored to open a museum.)

  3. Mis abuelos viven en una casona que ha estado en la familia por generaciones.

  4. (My grandparents live in a mansion that has been in the family for generations.)

  5. La casona tiene un jardín enorme con fuentes y esculturas.

  6. (The large house has a huge garden with fountains and sculptures.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "casona" may not be prominently featured in a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it can be part of certain phrases that highlight a significant space or residence. Here are some related expressions and their examples:

  1. "Casona de los milagros"
  2. Se dice que en la casona de los milagros, muchas personas han tenido experiencias sobrenaturales.
  3. (It is said that in the mansion of miracles, many people have had supernatural experiences.)

  4. "Casona antigua"

  5. Compraron una casona antigua para restaurarla y convertirla en un hotel boutique.
  6. (They bought an old mansion to restore it and turn it into a boutique hotel.)

  7. "Casona familiar"

  8. A menudo, las vacaciones las pasábamos en la casona familiar, donde todos nos reuníamos.
  9. (Often, we spent the holidays at the family mansion, where we all gathered.)


The term "casona" comes from the Spanish word "casa," which means "house." The augmentative suffix "-ona" is added, which intensifies the meaning, suggesting a large or grander version of a "casa."

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "casona" represents more than just a big house; it conveys elements of history, cultural significance, and architectural beauty, making it a notable term in discussions about heritage and architecture in Spanish-speaking contexts.
