casquete de seguridad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casquete de seguridad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/kasˈkete de seɣuˈɾiðað/

Translation Options

  1. Safety helmet
  2. Hard hat


Casquete de seguridad refers to a safety helmet or a hard hat used in the military domain. It is a protective headgear worn to prevent injuries in hazardous environments.

This term is commonly used in both written and oral Spanish, particularly in official military documents or during safety briefings.

Example Sentences

  1. El soldado llevaba puesto su casquete de seguridad durante la misión.
    The soldier was wearing his safety helmet during the mission.
  2. Asegúrate de que tienes tu casquete de seguridad antes de ingresar a la zona de construcción.
    Make sure you have your hard hat before entering the construction site.

Idiomatic Expressions

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Después de ponerse el chaleco antibalas, el soldado se sintió a salvo bajo casquete.
    After putting on the bulletproof vest, the soldier felt safe under his helmet.
  2. Tras la noticia de que todo estaba bajo control, el brigada se levantó el casquete.
    After hearing that everything was under control, the sergeant felt relieved.
  3. El teniente se salió de casquetes y empezó a gritar a los reclutas.
    The lieutenant lost control and started shouting at the recruits.


The word "casquete" comes from the Latin word cassis, meaning "helmet." The addition of "seguridad" simply specifies that the helmet is related to safety, emphasizing its protective function in hazardous situations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: 1. Casco de seguridad (Safety helmet) 2. Hard hat (Hard hat)

Antonyms: 1. Descubierto (Uncovered) 2. Inseguro (Unsafe)