casquillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casquillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Casquillo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ kasˈki.ʝo /

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Casquillo" generally refers to a hollow structure or sleeve that covers or encloses another object. It can vary in meaning depending on the context: - In a general sense, it refers to a covering or shell. - In its technical or polytechnical uses, it may refer to parts in machinery, electrical components, or gun cartridges. - In specific regional uses, such as in Costa Rica and Cuba, it may informally refer to a hat or cap.

The word is moderately frequent in written and oral contexts, but its use depends heavily on specific domains (like engineering, firearms, or casual speech).

Example Sentences

  1. En la fábrica, utilizan un casquillo para proteger el cableado.
  2. In the factory, they use a casing to protect the wiring.

  3. El casquillo de la cerilla está hecho de cartón reciclado.

  4. The match's casing is made of recycled cardboard.

  5. Compré un casquillo para mi sombrero nuevo.

  6. I bought a cap for my new hat.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Casquillo" may not be a word commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, but it can still appear in informal phrases or regional expressions, particularly in contexts relating to protection or coverage.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Estar como un casquillo: se refiere a alguien que está confundido o desorientado.
  2. "To be like a casing" refers to someone who is confused or disoriented.

  3. No me dejes fuera del casquillo, quiero participar en el proyecto también.

  4. "Don't leave me outside of the casing; I want to participate in the project too."

  5. Siempre tengo un casquillo para cada ocasión.

  6. "I always have a cap for every occasion."


The word "casquillo" comes from the Spanish noun "casco," which means shell or helmet. The diminutive suffix "-illo" indicates something smaller or less significant. This development of terms suggests a relationship with objects that provide coverage or protection.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This word is versatile and used mainly in technical settings or casual conversations, making it important for specialized discussions.
