casta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "casta" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Caste
  2. Breed
  3. Class

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "casta" primarily refers to a social class or a historically defined group of people, often indicating hereditary distinctions. It can also refer to a specific breed, particularly in the context of animals, such as cattle or plants. The frequency of use can vary; "casta" is more commonly encountered in written contexts, particularly in literature, history, or socio-political discussions. However, it can still appear in everyday conversations, especially when discussing social issues.

Example Sentences

  1. La casta aristocrática ha influido en la política del país durante siglos.
  2. The aristocratic caste has influenced the country's politics for centuries.

  3. Los criadores se esfuerzan por mantener la pureza de la casta de sus animales.

  4. Breeders strive to maintain the purity of their animals' breed.

  5. En algunos países, la casta social determina el acceso a la educación.

  6. In some countries, the social class determines access to education.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "casta" appears in several idiomatic expressions, often relating to social hierarchy and class distinctions.

  1. "Casta política"
  2. La casta política tiene un gran impacto en las decisiones del gobierno.
  3. The political caste has a significant impact on government decisions.

  4. "Casta málica"

  5. Comenzamos a estudiar las castas málicas en biología para entender la herencia genética.
  6. We began studying the male breeds in biology to understand genetic inheritance.

  7. "Casta privilegiada"

  8. Solo la casta privilegiada puede acceder a ciertos beneficios del estado.
  9. Only the privileged class can access certain state benefits.

  10. "Casta social"

  11. La casta social a menudo revela mucho sobre la historia de un país.
  12. The social class often reveals a lot about a country's history.


The term "casta" originates from the Latin word "casta," which means pure or chaste. Over time, it evolved in Spanish to refer specifically to social classes or breeds. The historical context of the term reflects aspects of lineage and social structure, particularly in colonial and feudal societies.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Clase (class) - Tribu (tribe) - Linaje (lineage)

Antonyms: - Igualdad (equality) - Mezcla (mix or mixture)

In summary, "casta" is a multifaceted term used in various contexts, primarily rooted in social structures and classifications. It carries significant historical connotations and is relevant in discussions about social equity and heritage.
