castellana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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castellana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:



Use in the Spanish language:

Frequency of use:
"Castellana" is a term that is quite commonly used in Spanish, especially in historical or cultural contexts. It is more frequently encountered in written language but can also be used in oral speech.

Example sentences:

  1. La lengua castellana se originó en el Reino de Castilla.
    The Castilian language originated in the Kingdom of Castile.

  2. La música castellana es conocida por su riqueza y diversidad.
    Castilian music is known for its richness and diversity.

Idiomatic expressions:

1. Hablar en cristiano - Meaning: To speak clearly or plainly. - Example: ¡Deja de hablar en castellano y explícame las cosas como si fuera un niño! - Translation: Stop beating around the bush and explain things to me as if I were a child!

2. Hacer la vista gorda - Meaning: To turn a blind eye. - Example: El jefe suele hacer la vista gorda cuando llegamos tarde. - Translation: The boss usually turns a blind eye when we arrive late.

3. Cruzar el Rubicón - Meaning: To take an irreversible step. - Example: Cuando le dio la mano, cruzó el Rubicón y no había vuelta atrás. - Translation: When he shook her hand, he crossed the Rubicon, and there was no turning back.


"Castellana" comes from "castellano," which ultimately originates from the Latin word "castellanus," meaning "pertaining to a castle." In Spanish, "castellano" evolved to refer to the language spoken in the region of Castile, historically one of the most influential regions of Spain.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Español (Spanish) - Peninsular (relating to the Iberian Peninsula)

Antonyms: - Sinónimos: Castilian, castellano, español - Antónimos: No tiene antónimos directos.

This word is rich in history and cultural connotations, embodying the linguistic and regional heritage of Castile in Spain.