castizo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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castizo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Castizo
  2. Pure (in certain cultural contexts)
  3. Typical (often referring to something authentic)


The term "castizo" refers to something that is considered pure, genuine, or typical, particularly with respect to cultural or linguistic attributes. It is often used to describe aspects of Spanish culture, language, or identity that are deemed to be original or traditional, without foreign influence.


"Castizo" is frequently used in both spoken and written contexts, although it may appear more in written discussions around cultural identity, linguistics, and heritage. Its usage can denote pride in one's linguistic roots or culture.

Example Sentences

  1. El dialecto castizo de Madrid es apreciado por muchos por su pureza lingüística.
    (The castizo dialect of Madrid is appreciated by many for its linguistic purity.)

  2. La comida castiza es una parte esencial de la identidad española.
    (Castizo food is an essential part of Spanish identity.)

  3. Ella se siente muy orgullosa de sus tradiciones castizas que han pasado de generación en generación.
    (She feels very proud of her castizo traditions that have been passed down through generations.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "castizo" is often part of idiomatic phrases that reflect cultural identity, authenticity, and traditions. Some expressions include:

  1. "Cultura castiza"
    Cultural identity that is taken as pure and authentic.
  2. La cultura castiza se muestra en la arquitectura y las costumbres de la ciudad.
    (Castizo culture is evident in the architecture and customs of the city.)

  3. "Castizo de corazón"
    Someone who is deeply rooted in their cultural heritage.

  4. Es un castizo de corazón, siempre defiende sus tradiciones familiares.
    (He is a castizo at heart, always defending his family traditions.)

  5. "Sentir lo castizo"
    To feel a deep connection to one's cultural roots or traditions.

  6. Apenas llega a casa, empieza a sentir lo castizo a través de la música y la comida.
    (As soon as he gets home, he starts to feel the castizo through music and food.)

  7. "Hablar en castizo"
    To speak in a traditional or authentic manner, often referring to a specific dialect or accent.

  8. No hay nada como hablar en castizo para sentirse parte de la comunidad.
    (There is nothing like speaking in castizo to feel part of the community.)


The word "castizo" originates from the Latin term "casticius," which means "pure" or "chaste." It has been integrated into the Spanish language to signify purity and authenticity, particularly in cultural contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


