casto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

casto is primarily used as an adjective in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term casto refers to a state of purity, particularly in a moral or sexual context. It implies a lack of sexual experience or an adherence to celibacy. It can describe someone who is virtuous or possesses high moral standards. The frequency of its use is somewhat archaic, more commonly found in literary contexts or discussions about morality rather than in everyday conversation. It is commonly used in written contexts, such as classical literature or religious texts.

Example Sentences

  1. La joven mantuvo su vida casto hasta el matrimonio.
    The young woman kept her life chaste until marriage.

  2. Los principios castos de la vida eran fundamentales en su educación.
    The chaste principles of life were fundamental in his education.

  3. En la antigüedad, se valoraba más la modestia y la vida casto.
    In ancient times, modesty and a chaste life were valued more.

Idiomatic Expressions

While casto itself is not a core part of many idiomatic expressions, it often appears in phrases related to purity, virtue, or moral discussions.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Vivir en castidad" - to live in chastity.
    En la religión, se anima a los jóvenes a vivir en castidad.
    In religion, young people are encouraged to live in chastity.

  2. "Casto y puro" - chaste and pure.
    Se le describe como una persona casto y puro debido a sus acciones.
    He is described as a chaste and pure person due to his actions.

  3. "Corazón casto" - chaste heart.
    Su corazón casto refleja su dedicación a la fe.
    Her chaste heart reflects her dedication to faith.


The word casto originates from the Latin term castus, which also means pure or chaste. This Latin root has evolved into different forms in several Romance languages, maintaining similar meanings.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - puro (pure) - virgen (virgin) - inocente (innocent)

Antonyms: - impuro (impure) - lascivo (lascivious) - promiscuo (promiscuous)
